Since then, it has been completely reborn.
It has now become a mostly free (ticketed to some larger items) festival based around the parliamentary triangle's fantastic architecture. With 3 stages of free, local live music and other performers as well as roving entertainment, Enlighten has broken free of its ignominious beginning. Plus, the architectural projections are freaking sweet!
On the first weekend a chilly wind cut down the crowd to the brave and/or stupid, but by the end word had spread and the triangle was buzzing. It is rare to find an event which truly appeals to all ages, but the crowd encompassed geriatrics, hipsters, families and everyone in between.
The music matched this, with jazz in the NLA, indie bands at Walt & Mazz, gypsy folk at the NGA, more indie bands (or performance hairdressers) at a pop-up in the centre or an Aboriginal showcase by the portrait gallery. The roving performers were another highlight - I want to ride one of those pedal powered glowfish round the lake one day!
Unfortunately the entertainment did seem to stop by 10pm. But it was great while it lasted!
When? Annually in March
How Awesome? 9 out of 10